AC: Alternating Current
AIA: Approved Inspection Authority. Alternative is IVB
ALST: Assistant Life Support Technician
AODC: Association of Offshore Diving Contractors
APAC: Asia Pacific
APME: Asia Pacific and Middle East
ATA: Atmospheres (Absolute)
ATC: Authorisation to Commit
ATM: Atmospheres (Gauge)
ATS: Atmospheres (Gauge)
ATT: Authorisation to Tender
BARA: Bar Absolute
BARG: Bar Gauge
BIBS: Built in Breathing System
BMS: Business Management System
BPMS: Business Process Management System
BR: Brazil
BS: British Standard
BU: Business Unit
CAA: Civil Aviation Authority
CBS: Cost Breakdown Structure
CCS: Contract Control Schedule
CDM: Controls and Data Management
CMTU: Communication Module Test Unit
CNS: Central Nervous System
CO2: Cardon Dioxide
CO: Carbon Monoxide
COP: Crane Operator
CRMS: Company Risk Management System
CSA: Cost Sensitivity Analysis
D Supt: Diving Superintendent
DC: Direct Current
DCS/DCI: Decompression Sickness / Illness
DDC: Deck Decompression Chamber
DE: Detailed Engineering
DESIGN: Diving Equipment System Inspection Guidance Note
DMAC: Diving Medical Advisory Committee
DOA: Delegation of Authority
DP: Dynamically Positioned / Dynamic Positioning
DPVOA: Dynamic Positioning Vessels Operators Association
DRV: Designated Rescue Vessel
DS: Diving Supervisor
DSV: Diving Support Vessel
DVR: Diver
ECT: Emergency Control Team
ECU: Environmental Control Unit
EDU: Electrical Distribution Unit
EFAT: Extended Factory Acceptance Test
EHXT: Enhanced Horizontal Christmas Tree
EL: Entrance Lock
EPCI: Engineering Procurement Construction Installation
EPF: Engineered Pipe and Fittings
EPU: Electrical Power Unit
ER: Eastern Region
ET Electrical Technician
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD: Estimated Time of Departure
ETU: Electronic Test Unit
EVDT: Enhanced Vertical Christmas Tree
FMEA: Failure Mode Effects Analysis
FMECA: Failure Mode Effects & Criticality Analysis
FP: Final Pressure
FSW: Feet of Seawater
FV: Floodable Volume
GBU: Global Business Unit (Surface, Onshore/Offshore, Projects, Subsea Services)
GI: Group Instruction
HAZID: Hazard Identification
HAZOB: Hazard Observation
HAZOP: Hazard Operability Study
HCU: Habitat Conditioning Unit
HDM: Hydraulic Distribution Module
HEU: Hyperbaric Evacuation Unit (IMO word for HRC and SPHL or HLB or HRL)
HLB: Hyperbaric Lifeboat
HP: High Pressure
HPU: Hydraulic Power Unit
HRC: Hyperbaric Rescue Chamber
HRL: Hyperbaric Rescue Lifeboat
HS: Hydraulic Systems
HSE: Health and Safety Executive
IBMS: Integrated Business Management System. Alternative Name for CRMS or BMS
ICPO: Intercompany Purchase Order
IMCA: International Marine Contractors Association
IMO: International Maritime Organisation
IMR or IRM: Inspection Maintenance and Repair
IP: In Progress Intellectual Property Increased Productivity
IPP: Internal Product Provider
ISO: International Standards Organisation
ISP: Internal Service Provider
IVB: Independent Verification Body i.e. ABS / AIA: Approved Inspection Authority
IWOCS: Installation Work Over Completion System
JV: Joint Venture
KOM: Kick Off Meeting
LAT: Lowest Astronomical Tide
LD: Lead Diver
LP: Low Pressure
LSP: Life Support Package
LSS: Life Support Supervisor
LST: Life Support Technician
LTA: Lost Time Accident
MCS: Master Control Station
MEL: Maximum Exposure Limit
ML: Main Lock
MPI: Magnetic Particle Inspection
MPS: Manifold and Pipeline Systems
MRCC: Marine Rescue Coordination Centre
MSV: Multi Role Support Vessel
MSW: Metres Sea/Salt Water
MT: Mechanical Technician
MWA: Mid Water Arch
NAM: North America
NCR: Non-Conformance Report
NDT: Non-Destructive Testing
NLTA: Non-Lost Time Accident
NORSOK: Standards Developed by the Norwegian Petroleum Industry
NSC: North Sea Canada
OBG: Onboard Gas
OBS: Organisational Breakdown Structure (Common for WBS)
OBSROV: Observation Class ROV
OE: One Engineering
OED: Offshore Engineering Division (Management of research and development projects, Providing technical support to project and fleet support teams, Consolidation of best design and operational practices)
OES: Occupational Exposure Standards
OIM: Offshore Installation Manager
PCG: Parent Company Guarantee
PDT: Product Delivery Team
PEM: Project Engineering Manager
PEP: Project Execution Plan
PL: Product Line
PLM: Product Lifecycle Maintenance
PMR: Project Management Report
PMT: Project Management Team
PO: Purchase Order
PP: Partial Pressure
PPCO2: Partial Pressure CO2
PPM: Parts Per Million
PPO2: Partial Pressure O2
PSIA: Pounds per Square Inch (Absolute)
PSIG: Pounds per Square Inch (Gauge)
PTFE: Teflon Thread Tape
PVC: Poly Vinyl Chloride
QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control
QHSE: Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
R&D: Research and Design
RAW: Risk Assessment Workshop
RBU: Regional Business Unit
RCC: Rescue Co-ordination Centre
ROV: Remote Operated Vehicle
RR: Risk Register
RV: Residual Volume
RVs: Rescue Vessel
SA: South America (Includes Brazil)
SC: Steering Committee (Decision making forum set up to assist in successful delivery of a project)
SCM: Subsea Control Module
SCUBA: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SD: Standby Diver
SDC: Submersible Decompression Chamber
SE: Surface Equivalent
SE: System Engineering
SIT: System Integration Test
SLS: Secondary Life Support (Rebreather Bailout)
SPS: Subsea Production Systems
SSC: Standard Subsea Components
SSE: Sub-System Engineering
ST: Saturation Technician
SURF: Subsea Umbilical’s Risers and Flowlines (Typically referred to as traditional scope of work)
SWAY: Office Sway is a presentation program and is part of the Microsoft Office family of products (Generally released by Microsoft in August 2015, Sway allows users who have a Microsoft account to combine text and media to create a presentable website)
SWL: Safe Working Load
T&I: Transportation and Installation
TL: Transfer Lock
TMS: Thermal Management Systems
TUP: Transfer under pressure
TV: Tidal Volume
UCOS: Automation and Control
UHV: Ultra-High Frequency
UKOOA: UK Offshore Operator Association
UPTD: Unit Pulmonary Toxicity Dose
UT: Ultrasonic Testing
VDT: Vessel Delivery Team (Specialist & dedicated team responsible for delivery of operations support for a key asset (Two Currently))
VHF: Very High Frequency
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure
WCS: Well Completion Systems
WR: Western Region
XT: Christmas Tree (Main product in WCS product line)